Initiative for Justice and Global Engagement in Theatre

In fall 2021, Westmont College will launch a new initiative for Justice and Global Engagement in the Theatre Arts.  The first component of the initiative is the appointment of current faculty Dr. John Blondell as Global Ambassador in the Performing Arts.  In this role, Dr. Blondell will teach and direct for one semester at Westmont and spend the remaining semester working in international theatre.  His achievements and reputation in international theatre have created considerable opportunities for him to direct, teach, and perform throughout the world, and the college has arranged his schedule to enable him more time to pursue these goals.  The second component of the initiative is the establishment of a new position of Artist/Scholar-in-Residence for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Theatre Arts.

The Artist/Scholar-in-Residence program invites a director, designer, playwright, actor or other theatre specialist to the college for a short-term residency.  The goal of the program is to amplify the Theatre Arts Department’s focus on diversity, justice, global engagement, and intercultural competency. The guest faculty member, depending on disciplinary interests, will teach, direct, design, lead workshops, and interact with the Westmont and Santa Barbara communities.  Artists and scholars from a broad disciplinary focus are welcome to apply, including directors, designers, playwrights, actors, and other theatre specialists.  Responsibilities include teaching a seminar course focusing on race, ethnicity, and gender on the American stage, a foundational Great Literature of the Stage course with a special focus on diversity, justice, and equity, and one other course or production suited to the professional focus of the artist and the needs of the department.  In addition, the faculty member will mentor student projects.